Orlando Multi-Agency Resource Center To Serve Those Impacted By Hurricane Maria Through End Of The Month
Orlando, FL – Since the opening of the Orlando MARC, both at the current location and its original site at Orlando International Airport, the Division and its partners have served more than 34,000 individuals impacted by Hurricane Maria. Division partners who have supported the MARC include the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Children and Families, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of Health, Department of Economic Opportunity, the Salvation Army and Catholic Charities.
The Orlando Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC), which offers services to those impacted by Hurricane Maria, will close on Friday, March 30, 2018. The Florida Division of Emergency Management continues to work with local, state and federal partners to ensure every individual and family impacted by last year's storms has the tools needed to successfully recover.
The Division encourages individuals seeking assistance to visit the Orlando MARC before it closes. Operating hours continue to be Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. The Orlando MARC is located at:
Orlando Multi-Agency Resource Center
6490 Hazeltine Drive
Suite 170
Orlando, FL 32822
Those with potential unmet needs are also encouraged to contact the following resources:
- Disaster case manager, if applicable.
- FEMA Disaster Assistance Hotline at (800) 621-3362 for concerns or inquiries regarding FEMA applications for disaster assistance.
- Dial 2-1-1 to connect with local organizations that may have available resources to support individual’s recovery.
- Visit FloridaHousingSearch.org to find available housing.
- Contact a local Public Housing Agency for housing assistance (a listing of local public housing agencies can be found on the Hurricane Maria Information Page listed below).
- Visit EmployFlorida.com for job assistance and training.
For additional information on local and state resources please contact the State Assistance Information Line at (800) 342-3557 or visit the Hurricane Maria Information Page at www.floridadisaster.org/info/maria
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